About Me

I was graduated from Sriwijaya University. I am a mother of two kids,daughter named AZKA and son named YUSUF

Senin, 30 Juli 2012

behind the scene

satu minggu ini berasa lama banget... jenuh nyelesaiin orderan yg tak kunjung habis.. alhamdulillah semua harus disyukuri ya :), PENCIL CASE, anggaplah ini produk unggulan k'azka craft. udah ada yg order bersyukur banget... dari menjiplak pola, menggunting,menjahit dan menghiasnya kulakukan sendiri. yg ini nih yg paling repot, menjahit resleting karena harus jahit tangan biar cantik... kayak gini nih

tumpukan PENCIL CASE yg udah dijahit dilabel based on name and what picts or characters the customers want, look at these picts.... 

so messy hehe.

anyway, it's just finished and the PENCIL CASEs have been sent to the customer, and hopefully they will be very grateful to have it, for details of the design you can take a look at them HERE


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